Friday, February 13, 2015

unique-earrings-jewelry-women-long-sexy-elytras-beetle wings-jewel beetle-dangle-emerald-green-duck commander-Duck Dynasty-iridescent

You won't know you're wearing these lightweight lovelies until people start complimenting you. These iridescent elytras (jewel beetle wings) are the velvety color of a mallard duck's emerald green head with shades of royal blue and purple throughout. They change color under different lighting and depending on what you wear. Scarab/jewel beetles are raised on farms in Thailand; their natural lifespan is 3 weeks. Once they expire, these wings are what they leave behind, to share with the rest of the world, their beauty and grace.

They dangle 1.5" on hypoallergenic hardware. I first saw these beautiful elytras when my sister was home for a visit from San Francisco and was wearing earrings with them.

If you aren't a dangle earring kind of gal, please note in your message when ordering and I can make non-dangles.                    

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