Tuesday, February 17, 2015

emerald green genuine sea glass earrings in sterling silver oblong triangle hoops with sterling ear wires

Finding any sea glass on the beaches around here is certainly a special occurrence. Every piece of glass used in my jewelry was hand gathered in Northern California, having naturally washed up on the shore. These days, there is some serious competition out there!  Some folks get on their wet suits and with baskets and buckets go scavenging below the tide line. That certainly leaves less glass to be gifted by the sea to the rest of us beachcombers. What also makes sea glass jewelry so unique, is that it's tricky to work with. One needs to drill with a diamond bit very slowly under water keeping the glass cool, or else it will shatter. Sea glass is the perfect example of one person's trash being another's treasure.
****Emerald green is a somewhat common color to find on the beaches in this area, but no less beautiful than other colors! What can be a challenge, is finding pieces suitable for earrings, that are complimentary in size, shape, and color. These gorgeous tear drop shaped pieces of bright  emerald green sea glass, measuring roughly 3/4" in length, were carefully drilled to hang from sterling jump rings in sterling silver hoops that are approximately 1.25" in diameter. The ear wires are comfortable and beautiful sterling silver as well. The color just pops, and will look great with any hairstyle, but will look especially lovely with hair pulled back to let the light shine through the beautiful glass.                    

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